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film overview

Embark on a captivating journey where academic science meets cultural wisdom. “LOOK UP—The Science of Cultural Evolution” is a groundbreaking animated film that breathes life into a comprehensive scientific manuscript. This two-hour and fifty-minute feature is a new genre, blending the intricacies of psychotherapy research with the timeless sagacity of ancient and modern wisdom.

Directors / Biography

Nini Caroline Skarpaas Myhrvold, Espen Jan Folmo


Nini Caroline Skarpaas Myhrvold, Espen Jan Folmo


Nini Caroline Skarpaas Myhrvold (b. 1990) has a background as an environmental therapist and is a birth and pregnancy therapist. She has specialized expertise in trauma-sensitive care and prefers a holistic approach. She is a biopath, has two scientific publications, and is currently pursuing an EMBA at Hult International Business School.

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