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film overview

“Chain,” directed by Ling Han, is a 3D animated short film featuring charming characters and a sophisticated environment. It uniquely tells the story of the mantis catching the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.
“Chain” is visually stunning and emotionally rich, expressing nature’s survival instincts and prompting viewers to ponder life’s deeper questions. We sincerely recommend this film to fans of animation and proverbs.

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Directors / Biography





I have been passionate about animation since childhood, but I never thought it could be a viable career option. During my undergraduate studies in printmaking, I began questioning whether it was the right path for me. It wasn't until my roommate introduced me to 3Dmax that I discovered my true calling. After creating a few pieces, I realized that animation was my true passion. I spent the next two years self-teaching different kinds of CG software and landed my first job as a rigger. However, after a year, I knew that I really wanted to be an animator.

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